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Chester County Property Management News & Happenings

How Do You Calculate Prorated Rent in Chester County, PA?

How Do You Calculate Prorated Rent in Chester County, PA?

Despite the many regulations offering clear-cut guidance on landlord-tenant relations, being a landlord in Pennsylvania can still bring uncertainties.One of these is when a tenant requests unusual occupation dates when renting a home from you. So, what do you do when a tenant wants to move in or out of your rental unit on any day other than the fir...
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What Do Chester County, PA Landlords Need to Know about Security Deposits?

What Do Chester County, PA Landlords Need to Know about Security Deposits?

Pennsylvania law gives landlords 30 days to return security deposits, but missing that deadline can lead to disagreements and even legal trouble. These disagreements can make rental property management even worse. To avoid them, Chester County, PA, landlords should know how to handle security deposits.Don't worry; this guide is here to help. We...
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